Saturday, August 14, 2010

A New Blog, A New Challenge

I find it most ironic that as I sit in on a Saturday night, munching on some candy from Dylan's Candy Bar, resting a sore knee, that I find myself first signing up for a half marathon, and then signing up for a blog to chronicle my journey towards it. I am no stranger to blogging, and have a thriving little beauty blog over at Jolie Laide Girl, but I would definitely say I'm a relative newbie to the whole world of running, fitness, and generally healthy. Okay, scratch the last part. I'm definitely not healthy. I have a mouthful of red licorice as I type.

So here the deal: I am running my first ever half marathon on Oct 2nd, or in 49 days time. That means I have 6 weeks to train for something that takes most people twelve. At the moment, I am running approximately 4 miles a week, as well as working out regularly at Core Fusion and yoga. I have been doing both on a regular basis since May 2010. A fitness newbie, I tell ya.

So, between now and then I have to get my ass literally in shape enough to haul me around Central Park twice. And, as well as that, I also have to go on my honeymoon. This little project of mine might just be bona fide crazy. But, stranger things have happened, and I'm damn well going to give it a good try, and I'll be sure to share every step and mis-step along the way.


  1. Hey, thanks for the comment on my blog! I really like yours so far - sounds like we have a lot in common. Where in NYC do you live?

  2. Hey! Good to find your blog!
    Looking forward to read your posts!


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